Remote Enforcement Training
These OperationsCommander videos will show you how straightforward it is to perform remote enforcement.
With patrol staff sharing data, the OPS-COM handhelds make parking validation and traffic control a breeze. Everything from virtual chalking all the way through to issuing violations to vehicles and people. The OPS-COM handhelds mean no more spreadsheets and a lot more knowledge in the field.

Access Data With OPS-COM Remote Parking Enforcement Solutions Application

OPS-COM Handheld Menu Options

OPS-COM - Android Search Interface

OPS-COM - Search Interface Icons and Notifications

OPS-COM - Virtual Chalking

OPS-COM - Issuing a Violation

OPS-COM - Handheld Settings

How OPS-COM - PL8RDR LPR Operations Help You Validate the Parking?

OPS-COM - Enforcement Demo