License Plate Recognition Software

What is LPR, ALPR, ANPR?
License Plate Recognition (LPR) is a technology that uses cameras and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to convert images of vehicle license plates into text data. LPR systems are widely used in enforcement and parking management scenarios. In parking enforcement, mobile cameras read license plates and compare the data against known plates for validation. In parking management, static cameras monitor areas for compliance. In all cases, LPR significantly reduces workload by continuously scanning plates and eliminating the need for human intervention until an event of interest occurs.

OPS-COM’s license plate reader (LPR) system is an all-in-one automatic license plate reader (ALPR) solution for your team to auto-chalk and identify license plates for parking and security enforcement.  The OPS-COM vehicle plate recognition LPR system is available for vehicle mounts or fixed locations.  It can help decrease overhead costs for permitting and enforcement and create an easier way to manage your parking strategy.

The considerable benefits of LPR /ANPR include:

  • Decreased overhead costs through virtual permitting and reduced patrolling resources
  • Increased revenue through improved compliance, fewer scofflaws, and easier violation identification
  • Better parking management with improved access to limited parking spaces
  • Enhanced customer experiences with gate-less entry options for better access to spaces
  • Automatic plate recognition reduces staff overhead and improves operations
  • Maintain vehicle watch lists supplied by local police departments


Just Take a Picture

license plate

Handheld vehicle plate recognition technology is literally in your hands using the OPS-COM Android software.

  • As easy as taking a picture
  • No additional software to purchase
  • Quickly analyze and validate more vehicles during remote enforcement
  • Reduce disputes with context and plate images
  • Android license plate recognition and mobile enforcement

Hands-Free Mobile
License Plate Recognition

LPR / ANPR camera

Utilizing our PL8RDR license plate scanner technology, any vehicle can be quickly validated without user interaction.

  • Completely hands-free as vehicles validated while driving
  • Find “watch list” vehicles without actually looking for them
  • Patrols can easily move automatic LPR hardware between vehicles
  • Reduce disputes with context and plate images

See every plate,
catch every threat

static camera on wall

ALPR camera system searches are happening even when no one is looking.

  • Virtual permits: no paper, no gate staff, no gate hardware
  • Find “watch list” or “hot list” vehicles without actually looking for them
  • Autochalk vehicles with context imagery
  • Easily identify scofflaws
  • Monitor entry and exit lanes with entrance and exit IP cameras

Parking Enforcement in the Palm of Your Hand

Learn about how OperationsCommander puts the data in the hands of the people who need it the most.


These videos do an excellent job of demonstrating the flexibility and functionality of the OPS-COM ALPR technology.

In the first video, the patrol uses an Android handheld device to validate plates by simply taking a picture of the plate using a tablet.

In the second video, a patrol navigated a parkade and used the PL8RDR LPR system with LPR cameras to ensure compliance.  In this case, the garage supports temporary parking and standard long-term parking.

The aging videos should be reproduced in both cases to showcase software improvements.

OPS-COM LPR - As easy as taking a picture!
This video demonstrates how quickly patrols
can validate a vehicle without typing.
OPS-COM LPR - License Plate Recognition Demo
This video demonstrates how quickly mobile ALPR
cameras can validate plate numbers in a parkade.

Automatic Licence Plate Software Features

Automated number plate recognition (ANPR/ALPR) integrated with OPS-COM gives you better parking enforcement and overall security management with direct integration to ParkAdminViolationAdmin, and IncidentAdmin. The LPR system integrates all software and hardware necessary to create an efficient and secure enforcement solution. The solution is an all-in-one package, reducing complexity, increasing functionality, and improving usability for patrol officers.

The functionality of the OPS-COM ANPR parking control module is available on your choice of our enforcement handhelds, a static camera (at a gate or entrance), or mounted on a vehicle.  This helps to keep the system flexible to fit your business and budget.  Our module has a 98% accuracy rate, so you can confidently increase efficiency and space availability for your car park management. The OPS-COM solution offers complete integration with many parking and security data vendors.

Our automated license plate recognition parking enforcement system module lets your organization verify permits, identify scofflaws, and issue citations effectively.  The system is truly an all-in-one, easy-to-use system that supports a virtual permit environment and reduces the need for plastic or paper permits.

Parking enforcement cameras with license plate recognition integrate with the garage management system to improve customer service through a knowledge-based approach to unique enforcement challenges and monitoring.

Virtual Chalk of Vehicles

Monitor with touchless tire chalk.

  • Patrol officers can chalk a vehicle using GPS technology and the handheld camera function to tag location information and timestamp of vehicle information.
  • Our LPR surveillance technology lets you monitor a vehicle’s location over time, offering better space management with visibility into how long a vehicle has been in a single location or a specific zone.
  • Virtually chalking allows patrol officers to track a vehicle that moves from one location to another within the patrol zone. This notifies your patrol team of a vehicle parked beyond their time limit, even if they moved it multiple times.
  • Virtual tire auto-chalk captures license plates to assist with zone enforcement.
  • Track car by license plate as it moves around campus
OPS-COM - Auto Vehicle Chalking with LPR
This video demonstrates touchless chalking
and remote data access.

Zone Allocations

Maximize parking for alternative revenue generation.

zone allocations admin

Identify Watch List Vehicles

Improve identification of scofflaws and vehicles of interest.

  • Full viewing, tracking, and updating of automatic plate recognition events
  • The vehicle plate recognition system module will automatically notify your patrols when a scofflaw or vehicle of interest is identified so you can take action.
  • The identification process is automatic and requires no additional steps from your team.
  • OPS-COM uses real-time information, so your team has access to the most current data on permits and vehicles
  • Import local law enforcement agency watch data to add to internal watch lists
  • Use static cameras for paperless access control and plate reader validation
  • Automated plate recognition software that identifies and tracks violators
LPR watch list

GPS Mapping

Get a clear view of where parking violations are occurring.  

  • Virtual chalking tracks vehicles and their location data; static or mobile LPR/ANPR cameras feed data into the system.
  • Violations are mapped in real-time, giving you insight into violation hot spots to manage your patrols and identify violations efficiently.
  • Patrols have instant, real-time access to all vehicle and lot details, allowing them to identify trends that can help improve parking management.
  • With GPS location, virtual tire chalking, and interconnected remote devices, a vehicle of interest and plate identification is simplified.
GPS parking lot mapping

The ALPR/LPR system at OPS-COM is a full package.  You do not require system integrations from multiple vendors or the costs of multiple licensing fees.  Data captured by wall-mounted and handheld cameras are cross-referenced with your OPS-COM permitting and violation data so traffic wardens can take appropriate notifications and enforcement actions.

  • ParkAdmin confirms if a vehicle has a valid permit
  • ViolationAdmin identifies any outstanding parking fines
  • IncidentAdmin notifies security if the system identifies a vehicle of interest
  • PL8RDR is mobile enforcement automated plate recognition hardware

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