ViolationAdmin: Parking Enforcement Solution
Automated traffic and parking enforcement software uses technology to efficiently track, manage offenses, and record violations for effective reinforcement of parking regulations to help improve customer service and traffic flow.
ViolationAdmin is a ticket management system and parking compliance tool that perfectly complements parking management. This violation mobile enforcement software includes innovative mobile technology exposing violation mapping, enforcement management, and analytical insight. The Android handheld parking ticket writers are easy to use and support LPR, voice, and keyboard input to reprimand parking violators.
The mobile license plate recognition (LPR) PL8RDR technology enables patrols to capture, analyze, and display violations to optimize the time and energy of enforcement personnel. Due to real-time sync functions, this parking ticket software allows users to acknowledge and pay for tickets online immediately after being issued.
The ViolationAdmin access violation management component provides in-field remote data access from mobile devices and smartphones. Using an Android handheld and Bluetooth printer to create tickets for parking infractions is quick and easy. Site patrols sync enforcement and parking data to the system through cellular or Wi-Fi networks. This remote technology allows the system to apply validation rules moments after purchasing permits on the cloud-based user portal or connected remote devices.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is all around us and plays a part in the parking and security market. The OPS-COM system uses many levels of artificial intelligence to minimize errors and help improve customer service.
With this computer intelligence, OPS-COM uses different algorithms to help ensure that customer service remains a top priority while ensuring the highest level of data integrity.

Deep Learning
The OPS-COM automatic number plate recognition (PL8RDR LPR) system uses past data records to improve data reads and validations. This allows static LPR cameras to be installed to assist with virtual vehicle chalking and tracking.
Fuzzy Searching
Utilizing data maps, the LPR license plate reader system can match records against similar records based on character patterns. This means that the system may interpret a character such as ‘B’ as an ‘8’ or possibly a ‘3’ to help with plate validation. In the case of tracking vehicle counts in a given area, fuzzy searching, and deep learning together play a role in helping to reduce errors.
Final Validation
When an enforcement patrol writes a citation, the system first does a data check to ensure the offense is still valid. This final plate validation helps to ensure that a temporary parker does not get a ticket just before they pay for parking. This improves client service and addresses potential client frustration.
Grace Period
OPS-COM supports a configurable enforcement grace period globally and on specific parking lots. This grace period may offer a parking client time to find parking or a parking payment terminal before a ticket is issued. Through the use of LPR virtual chalking, vehicles are tracked as they enter and leave a given area or when they are first “seen” by the cameras.
The video shows how well the ALPR system interlinks information.
OperationsCommander leaves no question that a vehicle in violation is the one that received the ticket.
Tire chalking is virtual, and together with GPS and imagery, it leaves little room for dispute.
Improved operations by sharing chalking data means everyone has the data they need during patrols.
Tracking with Virtual Chalking
Vehicle virtual chalking can be performed with remote enforcement software. With virtual chalking, vehicles are chalked by simply taking a picture of the vehicle and storing the GPS location. Later, enforcement staff can review virtual chalk records to determine if a vehicle should be ticketed.
With this access control software, when a violation is issued to a vehicle, any virtual chalk records are also included with the violation data. The violation enforcement software will list all details, including GPS location, images, and offence information, to the user through the self-management portal. The user can select to pay the violation or dispute the offence by requesting an appeal.
Violation GEO Mapping
Safety and enforcement officers can easily identify where parking citations occur using GPS and cellular technology. Enforcement patrol staff can focus on areas with higher violation counts at peak times throughout the day. The OPS-COM electronic ticket system tracks all details for later dispute resolution.
Every virtual chalk record and every violation tracks GPS coordinates. This parking regulation technology includes geo-tracking information, which can be superimposed onto a map to identify “hot” infraction areas where offenses are more prevalent.
Online Violation Appeals

Simplify the entire violation appeal process by allowing violation disputes to be created online by clients at any time. Appeal officers can respond to requests and view the history of violations, appeals, and past communication.
Staff and clients can also easily review parking citation photos as part of the business process to validate and review appeals remotely.
The security patrol software links vehicles, violations, and people. During the violation dispute process, details related to past disputes and the user are easily accessible. The virtual appeal communication is a threaded discussion tracked for audit purposes.
The appeals administrator can easily record appeals determinations. They can select to uphold, cancel, or reduce the violation using the easy parking control software. When this action has been performed, the person requesting the virtual appeal is notified, and the communication is added to the end of the audit log.
Photo Confirmation
The ViolationAdmin ticket management system allows enforcement officers to include photos with every infraction. Clients can review photos during the appeal process to understand digital rights, or Appeal Officers can review photos to help with the final judgment of the appeal.
Self-Managed Online Payments
Through hosted payment gateway solutions, your clients can pay for infractions online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The ViolationAdmin management software provides your administration team options to create discounts to encourage faster payments or issue automatic overdue notifications. With direct linking to ParkAdmin for parking management, the two represent a complete ticketing and parking control system.
Parking Enforcement Knowledge In The Field
In the field, bylaw enforcement patrols can search for abandoned vehicles, identify repeat offenders, view ticket history, and ensure parking compliance.
Through remote enforcement software, patrols can view the number of past violations a vehicle has had. If a vehicle of interest has been seen, then a notification can also be sent to the patrol handheld, notifying the enforcement officer and improving segregation of duties (SOD).
Violation Management Reports
Violation management report details are exposed through the parking compliance software and offer many reports to drill down into data. All electronic parking ticket system reports are customizable to match operational requirements.
Administrators can see infraction payment history and monitor violation offences conveniently as well as extract valuable security-related statistics for analysis.
ViolationAdmin: parking enforcement software
ViolationAdmin includes several built-in parking regulations and management reports to assess the financial effects and support most operations’ reporting needs. The list below includes brief descriptions. Based on specific parking regulations, we support custom safety, security, and offense report building for clients who require it. Financial impact also plays a part in users’ ability to appeal and pay municipal Bylaw citations online.
For 2018 72% of all tickets issued were paid within the required time period. Only 11% of tickets were never paid. 17% of tickets were paid through the court system.
The business process will improve as a direct result of using intelligent parking validation software. Experience improved customer service with better traffic flow around campus or in town. With automation, human errors are minimized, and with user access through self-serve portals, clients can appeal and pay violations at their convenience.
In all cases, direct links to MTO (Ministry of Transportation) and DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) improve the processing and efficiency of municipal parking and security offices. Further, with direct links or the ability to export for court-related processing, the regional ticketing process is seamless.
Violations by Location / Officer Report
Report on violations issued by an officer or within a certain area. The report includes summary details related to how many were issued of each type, appealed, upheld, reduced, or canceled. As well this enforcement report can display the number of paid or outstanding.

Paid Violations Summary by Type
Displays the total parking citations and warnings issued by date and type. This violation report includes statistics related to the paid and unpaid state of issued offense notices. The report also includes financial-specific details, including spoiled parking ticket totals.