LPR Integration Takes Security to the Next Level

The secret is out…
Organizations can take parking monitoring to a whole new level. All thanks to the pairing of parking and security software solutions and LPR camera system integrations. Proper LPR integration would combine cutting-edge LPR technology with a parking and security management solution creating a more cost-effective and accurate way to monitor parking permits, vehicles, and incidents within garages and lots.
Amazingly, a small geotag inside a decal on a license plate is detected by cameras in parking areas. This geotag allows the time stamp and the vehicle’s information to be easily traced and tied to user profiles within the parking and security management solution efficiently. Therefore, organizations can pull all kinds of logistic and financial reports. It can also help produce helpful statistics such as parking and driving patterns.
Recently the Tattille camera system, which uses LPR technology was supported within the OperationsCommander (OPS-COM) Parking and Security Software Solution. Due to the LPR integration scalability of the software and the in-house development team, we could incorporate the LPR system into the software. Also, it can track every vehicle in an established area and bring it into the sub-module ParkAdmin. ParkAdmin is a cloud-based permit module of the OPS-COM platform used for all permit and vehicle tracking. Therefore, the system can record, monitor, and verify all information from multiple sources and generate information in the one single software application.
Organizations alike can and will benefit from this new, heightened level of patrolling by tying vehicles with users, permits, and incidents quickly. Today, it’s more important than ever we have a clear and easy way to track vehicles, locate permit holders, and increase monitoring in areas under surveillance.
The solution links directly to the License Plate Recognition (LPR) processor. Therefore, each time a camera senses a license plate, it sends the appropriate data and image to the OPS-COM infrastructure. As a result, this data is read and appropriately stored in the solution which records all aspects of an organizations parking and violations as well as security records.
The new LPR processor receives and parses out the data sent from the camera, including the plate, province/state, camera name, and speed of which the vehicle was traveling. Consequently, the system logs information into a digital table, with the appropriate imagery attached to each record. Administrative users can then access these images easily in the OPS-COM solution. Therefore they have the ability to review the full image taken, as well as a cropped image containing only the license plate to save time in an emergency.
What are the Benefits of LPR Integration?
Parking Lot Traffic Patterns:
- Parking lot utilization patterns
- Non-Permit Holder utilization patterns
- Vehicle pass thru patterns
Paperless Permit Issuance:
- Detection of permit holders
- Detection of non-permit holders for purposes of intelligent use of officer manpower
- Reports of incorrect lot usage (permit holder parking in wrong areas)
- Detection of vehicles surpassing temporary permit times
Intelligence Collection:
- Detection of vehicles of interest
- Data logs used in cases of incidents
- Imagery of vehicles traveling within controlled areas containing an appropriate timestamp
Using LPR integration to the OPS-COM parking and security software solution gives organizations another avenue to advance their technology. In addition, they’ll have the ability to create alerts to any vehicles in question as they enter the controlled areas surveilled by LPR cameras to further the security measures that are increasingly necessary today.