
Category: Technology

Parking booth, Ticket Machine, Barrier

Future Trends in Parking Access Control Systems

Parking access control systems have come a long way in recent years, and with advancements in technology, we can expect even more exciting developments in the near future. In this article, we will explore the future trends in parking access control systems and discuss what we can expect in the coming years. From smart sensors…


Parking Lot Access Control Systems Enhance Security and Safety

In recent years, parking lots have become increasingly busy and prone to security threats. To address these concerns, parking lot access control systems have emerged as an effective solution. These systems enhance security and ensure the safety of vehicles and individuals within the premises. This article will explore how parking lot access control systems contribute…


Enhancing Security, Efficiency, and Smart Parking with LPR/ALPR cameras

License plate readers also referred to as automated license plate recognition (ALPR) cameras, have transformed security and efficiency on the roads. With their advanced technology and capabilities, these devices play a crucial role in various applications, including parking enforcement and smart parking. In this article, we will delve into the specific aspects related to parking…


Revitalizing Small Towns: Harnessing Smart Parking Technology

Smart parking technology is here to stay and revitalizing small towns is a critical endeavor in today’s world. These towns hold a unique charm with their historic architecture, close-knit communities, and rich cultural heritage. As small towns grow and attract more visitors, they often face challenges in managing parking and ensuring public safety. This is…


Parking Control Solutions: Reducing Environmental Impact

Parking is an integral part of our daily lives, but it can have a significant environmental impact. However, by implementing sustainable parking control solutions, we can mitigate these negative effects and contribute to a greener future. In this article, we will explore various strategies and technologies that can be employed to reduce the environmental impact…

frictionless parking women sitting on suitcase

Frictionless Parking: The Key to a Stress-Free Commute

Are you tired of circling a parking lot, searching for an available spot? Have you ever missed an important meeting or appointment because you couldn’t find a parking space on time? Parking has always been a hassle for commuters, but with the advancement of technology, there are now innovative solutions that can make parking a…

License Plate Recognition speed camera

How Does License Plate Recognition Work?

License Plate Recognition (LPR) is a cutting-edge technology rapidly gaining popularity in many industries. It is a form of computer vision that enables automatic detection and recognition of vehicle license plates. The technology works by capturing an image of a vehicle’s license plate with a camera and then running the image through software that deciphers…

smart mobility traffic light

What Is Smart Mobility?

Since the late 80s and early 90s, there has been tremendous growth in digital communication. One that has seen nations move from a mediocre city to envy among other countries. The present ways of communicating provide prospects for advancement in so many ways than we can imagine. Smart mobility isn’t one of the new words…

smart parking vehicle map gps

Smart Parking Generates New Revenue Streams

Undoubtedly, smart parking has made it easier for organizations and the government to manage parking spaces. Smart parking grew from a vision to today’s reality and has been accepted in almost all cities around the globe. Before smart parking, it’s been challenging for municipal administrators to solve parking issues. With fewer parking spaces and more…

iot mini computer

IoT For Efficient Parking Management: A Step Towards Smart Cities

As the world evolves and more cars appear on the road, the demand for parking has increased. Mismanagement of parking spaces in any organization causes disorderliness and inefficiency in managing cars in the lot, which can negatively impact the performance and overall profit that the organization should be making. Here is what we mean, assuming…