Category: Municipal

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Parking Violation Fee Collection Not Out of Reach

Not all private parking companies have gone down the road of issuing their parking violations.  Smaller operations, in particular, might operate under the belief that the additional workload to manage violations is beyond their budget or their resources. If a small staff contingent is already overworked, why would they want to add another level of…

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New features will make parking management much easier for private companies

New features will make private parking management much easier for companies We recently blogged about how the entry point for private parking operations to manage violations is lower than many think.  Many private parking groups struggle with understanding if the technology used by that campuses and municipalities are viable for their operation.  We feel we’ve always had…

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Heritage Perth Modernizes Parking with OPS-COM

The Town of Perth, located in Eastern Ontario, Canada. Perth has just over 6,000 people and 20,000 in the immediate area.  The OPS-COM system modernizes parking. It was clear that Perth needed help to shed the “heritage” motto in this particular area. The Town manages five downtown parking lots, with parking passes and hourly rates.…

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Parking Management Systems Make Smarter Cities

Managing parking in cities is challenging to say the least. In today’s fast-paced world, outdated enforcement systems no longer work. They are time-consuming and require many dedicated and expensive resources. Realizing this, more and more municipalities today are switching to smart parking management systems. These systems provide numerous benefits and create a process that’s more…

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Parking Enforcement Efficiency Increases: Here’s How It Can Be Done

From simple things such as watching television or making calls to complex tasks like getting directions and making airline reservations, the technological revolution changes everything. Yet, when it comes to improving and increasing parking enforcement, many towns and cities continue to rely on old and outdated parking management solutions. Herein lies both the problem and the solution.…

Windshield Citations

Create an Effective Parking Enforcement Program

Parking enforcement is a necessity in the parking industry. Advanced parking management systems are quickly spreading worldwide. There are vast improvements to be made based on technology and the introduction of new parking systems. Consequently, these improvements will greatly expand the parking permitting abilities for universities, hospitals, municipalities, and airports. As these systems grow, the…

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Invest in LPR for Immediate Parking Operations Benefits

The benefits of License Plate Recognition (LPR) can be easily achieved and can offer your parking operations significant improvements. Parking customer density has skyrocketed recently, and because of this, the expectations people have has increased significantly. The use of LPR and connected software is important to keep up with the parking client’s growing demands. Your…

Zone 1 Resident

Benefits of Residential Parking Permits

For the benefit of residents, businesses, and visitors, municipalities have what we call Resident Parking Zones (RPZs). Streets, areas or bays, RPZs are places where parking is restricted or controlled using ‘residential parking permits’. The purpose of these permits is to regulate parking, minimize highway obstruction and give residents priority over available spaces. Enabling them…

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Legal Virtual Chalking for Parking Management

Virtual chalking (also referred to as e-chalking; or electronic chalking) is on its way to becoming the new standard in vehicle tracking for parking enforcement. Usually, traffic cops use a relatively standard technique to keep an eye on drivers who park their cars. To ensure that drivers don’t overstay the time limit in parking lots,…

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Benefits of Investing in Parking Management Systems

Parking management without a parking management system can be difficult and complex. Due to its’ difficulty, you should invest in parking systems that help make this task easier for you and your team. Such software systems provide digital solutions that help to reduce complexities related to parking. It will provide you with ample benefits that…

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