Parking and Security Blog

incident monitoring security operator

Use Alerting To Improve Incident Management Process

An incident management process will usually involve an escalation procedure for the different types of incidents. The most common type of escalation is from “minor” or “non-critical” incidents to “major” or “critical” incidents. For example, Staff may handle a minor problem with email not working as expected by sending a standard message to a support…

parking incident monitoring

Surveillance Solutions For Parking Management

Parking enforcement has become an essential part of modern life. It helps to ensure the safety of drivers and pedestrians while also reducing traffic congestion. However, enforcing parking rules without proper tools can lead to frustration and anger among drivers and residents. The primary purpose of a parking lot is to provide customers with an…

confusing signs

Flexible Parking Management: Important Tips

With the recent increase in remote working, flexible workspaces are slowly becoming the new normal. This current approach allows flexible parking management to develop within companies. You have probably heard of flexible parking, but now you want to learn the benefits of lax parking for your company, how to implement it, and tips for succeeding.…

student teacher parking

School Parking: Generate Income by Optimizing Parking

School parking lots are essential for the smooth administration of your school; they are also an excellent source of passive income. They are usually located close to schools and universities and are often empty during non-peak hours. However, school parking lots are also a significant headache for students and parents alike. Parking lot owners constantly…

car parking

Parking Management: Making Your Parking Profitable

Parking management is often the key to success for organizations and businesses with a physical location. As costs associated with running parking facilities continue to rise and as real estate becomes more expensive, parking lot owners are looking for ways to maximize the number of spaces they can put in their lots. However, improved design…

smart mobility traffic light

What Is Smart Mobility?

Since the late 80s and early 90s, there has been tremendous growth in digital communication. One that has seen nations move from a mediocre city to envy among other countries. The present ways of communicating provide prospects for advancement in so many ways than we can imagine. Smart mobility isn’t one of the new words…

open book parking guide

Flexible Parking for Business: The Ultimate Guide

Developing parking space given future changes will give more alternatives for accommodating future developments. Parking designs that are available lately prevent constructions, carports, or in any event, parking garages from having the option to be repurposed into other uses. Utilizing a flexible pattern of parking spaces will better consider reuse or deconstruction as transportation modes…

free parking sign meter

Moving Away From Free Parking to a Reasonable Permit

Around the world, momentum is developing behind endeavors to bump out substantial parking garages, curbside parking, and carports for administrations and infrastructure for people on foot, cyclists, and public transportation. Yet, there are no sufficient efforts to encourage people to move away from free parking to a proper permit to help manage parking spaces and…

smart parking vehicle map gps

Smart Parking Generates New Revenue Streams

Undoubtedly, smart parking has made it easier for organizations and the government to manage parking spaces. Smart parking grew from a vision to today’s reality and has been accepted in almost all cities around the globe. Before smart parking, it’s been challenging for municipal administrators to solve parking issues. With fewer parking spaces and more…

iot mini computer

IoT For Efficient Parking Management: A Step Towards Smart Cities

As the world evolves and more cars appear on the road, the demand for parking has increased. Mismanagement of parking spaces in any organization causes disorderliness and inefficiency in managing cars in the lot, which can negatively impact the performance and overall profit that the organization should be making. Here is what we mean, assuming…

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