Incident Management Tools: Make the Right Choice

Before making a final decision, there is always an amount of research and effort that goes into it. So if you are currently looking for incident management tools for your parking lots, then you need to certain features.
You need to follow a process that can lead you towards a suitable decision. This process is impacted by the tools that are available to support your decision.
Your decision should rely on a solution that is technologically advanced to allow you to gain visibility and data.
Here are a few considerations that should be made before a suitable decision is reached:
Understand Your Needs
The first step required when choosing the right tool for your incident management is identifying your needs. It will give you an idea as to what your system requirements will be. You need to understand what tools you already possess versus the areas you need to invest in and improve upon. Look for tools that fulfill your needs and contribute positively to your overall strategy and improvement.
Build an Incident Response Process
Map out and building a clear incident response process. This will help you to identify what tools are required and will also help determine how to connect the old tools with the new. The key aspects of this process would include focusing on the alert management function as to what happens when an alert arises? How it is dealt with, and integrated into the system & the operations tool that are connected? Lastly, with how much visibility are these alerts handled?
Prioritize the Integrations for your Incident Management
You need to integrate your incident management tools with your operations in order to achieve quality results. You need to prioritize and consider the tools used by your team to insure they fit with each other. These tools include those regarding event activity, incident occurrences, team communications, configuration management, and case management.
So when it comes to incident management, it can become a little overwhelming for those who are responsible for the selection of a parking management system to select the right one with the right tools that suit the needs and fulfill the demand of your company.
Running it down with other processes simultaneously will give you a good way to start. You can then get everything streamlined and be serious about your requirements in terms of monitoring, alerting, and compliance reporting. These are the areas that you need to pay special attention. Neglecting these areas in today’s business environment would be detrimental.
Importance of Digital Incident Reporting
As we speed up our journey down the rabbit hole of digital information and technology, digital incident reporting is becoming increasingly important.
A growing list of rules and regulations that apply to a wide range of businesses and government agencies pervades. This is creating further need to double and triple check a variety of points within accountability parameters.
With paper systems in place, there are many levels of access, including chains of command, location, and ease of transfer. While this all may seem overwhelming, it does not even address the near inability to create logistics reports, look at data, and trace patterns.
All of which you need to understand incidents further without requiring countless working hours.
Why Digital Incident Reporting Is Important
Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, we now need to easily pull up a report listing all health and safety incidents that have happened in a single facility at any time. This can truly be a game changer in showing the legitimacy of organizations. Having stored documentation that is easily accessible in one database can also be crucial for any company.
It could be the actual difference between winning and losing in cases related to incident-based legal defense. Organization has its’ own positive incentives. Once you achieve this, the ROI for being prepared and thorough seems well worth the invested time and effort.
With a modern digital incident reporting system in place, you can create reports which are easily logged into the IncidentAdmin database of OperationsCommander (OPS-COM) and gathered into one virtual location.
It doesn’t get any more convenient and saving time is a huge advantage. With paper systems, we spend so much of it just transferring the information and trying to keep track of it. However, today we can let the computers do the transferring, tracking and recording which is a giant leap in time-based productivity. This will free up much of your organization to create a much more highly functioning set of working parameters, which builds momentum for better health and safety records.
The Benefits of Digital Record Keeping
Tracking resolution of escalated incidents is a large part of the overall process when looking at the necessary resources used within a paper system. These are reports that require further attention, which will need follow-up practices deployed. Still, think a paper system is the way to go?
There are so many arguments against paper-based systems at this point that it is counter-intuitive to rely on the old methods of processing incident reports. Digital connection means virtually linking everyone involved and allowing them access to the information in one cohesive group. It’s accountability at its strongest.
Additional benefits are the ability to track repeat offenders or people tied to multiple incidents. Unfortunately, scammers will always try to beat the system. However, a digital incident reporting system not only creates a record for backup of acceptable process.
This means you can easily execute reporting needs, accurately, and reliably.
With the ability to generate summary reports that you can share among the key decision makers can drastically cut down on the amount of catching up anyone in your organization might have to do in relation to workplace incidents. This summarizes the most pertinent information directly to the individual(s) who need it. It’s quick, efficient, and simple – all in a few clicks.
Digital incident reporting lightens caseloads, creates a more streamlined process, and allows the system to support workers. So, while paper systems have had a good run, it appears digital incident tracking is here to stay!
IncidentAdmin a reliable incident tracking and reporting element that can be linked to ParkAdmin and ViolationAdmin seamlessly making OperationsCommander (OPS-COM) Parking and Security Management Platform the most comprehensive solution in the market today.