Contactless Parking During COVID-19

Vehicle owners and parking space managers have been forced to look for the safest ways to park in the face of the pandemic. For this reason, contactless parking has become a top option to reduce the risk of spreading the virus. Parking lots are high-traffic areas for people, which is why touching anything around the area must be avoided. This way, the rate of spread through surface contamination is minimal or non-existent.
Since the rise of the pandemic, society at large has adopted social distancing. People have been advised always to keep a considerable distance during social interaction and be conscious of how they engage with everything around them.
Covid-19 has drastically changed several aspects of society, from businesses to basic interaction. Society now has to promote new habits to help curb the spread of the virus. Online shopping, movie streaming platforms rather than cinemas, and ordering food online, are among the fast-rising habits in the face of the pandemic.
Is Contactless Parking New?
Contactless parking is not a new concept; it has been adopted for some time now. However, the rise of the pandemic means motorists now more than ever need effective and safe methods to pay for parking their vehicles. Also, contactless parking helps to keep the staff and customers safe, as there will be no need for physical exchange.
If you haven’t considered contactless parking, now is the time to start. It will not only protect you immediately but also prepare your parking site for the digital future.
We realize that this might be new to certain people, while their others that do are informed but do not have enough information about contactless parking. We have offered to help you with everything you need on contactless parking.
How can Contactless Parking benefit everyone during these times and in the future?
Contactless parking benefits motorists and businesses in many ways. Its advantages are not limited to the pandemic period; it also offers many advantages for the future.
Security against COVID-19
An immediate benefit of contactless parking is the security it offers during the pandemic. The need for physical contact will be reduced to the minimum, as people will not need to gather at ticketing machines. Social distancing is one way to stop the spread of COVID-19, an act promoted by contactless parking.
The anxiety that comes with crowded places and high-traffic spots is erased as there will be no need for one. It might take some time before motorists get used to the process, but they will be willing and open-minded. Everyone is looking for the best ways to do things to stop the spread of the virus, and contactless parking offers that.
It promotes comfort in the long run
The good part of contactless parking is the relevance beyond the pandemic. The seamless process that promotes individual payment and ease of access, offers comfort and protection. Because contactless parking is faster, promotes forward-thinking and ease of payment – motorists will inevitably adopt this comfort with time.
Flexibility improves customer experience, which is important to a business. When the customer is satisfied through a great experience, it ultimately leads to better brand loyalty.
It is built for the future
The mode of operation for contactless parking means that parking payments will move from paper-based to digital-based. The future is about digital solutions, and contactless parking has come to stay.
The need to be cashless is also a future that is being promoted. Contactless parking erases the need for cash, which automatically means it is the future. The process also promotes efficiency and reduces the workload for the workers.
The future is based on working technological systems, and the solutions offered by contactless parking promote a simple and working parking system. Another point to note is the positive impact it will have on your website, bringing traffic that can translate into added revenue.
It is cost-effective
Traditional parking systems require staff to receive money directly, which means there is a chance of deliberate and indeliberate mishandling of money. Customers may also make a payment with counterfeit currency. These problems are solved with contactless parking, as there is no need for cash.
Contactless parking will save the business from losses and prevent human errors that could arise. The system doesn’t need to take breaks, rather will it get affected by a lack of motivation or emotional baggage.
It will boost the brand
Whether your business is large or small, it can benefit from a better brand image. You can improve your brand image by creating a smooth customer parking experience.
It optimizes available parking space
With contactless parking, a working technological system will assign parking spaces and eliminate human error from miscalculation. This reduces the effort and resources that a parking space owner will invest.
Ability to access data
Because contactless parking is technology-based, the system can gather real-time data involving parking spaces and motorists. These data points can provide insight and help decision-making, ultimately leading to smarter decisions.
What are the options?
The demand for contactless technology has increased in the last few years. This demand has further grown due to the pandemic, which has brought the need for fewer social contacts.
A major feature of contactless parking is its flexibility. Customers can choose different options depending on what suits their needs. This technological provision serves the needs of a broad audience, offering comfort through flexibility and experience.
Some options available for contactless parking payment include booking ahead, auto charging, QR codes, and paying through the phone.
Motorists can book parking spaces ahead of time. With the booking, the motorist doesn’t have to use the machine for payment. Setting this up on a website is quite straightforward when you employ the right people to execute the job. It is also important to have the right payment platform. An additional perk is an opportunity to offer motorists unoccupied parking spaces via your website.
Another option is setting up an auto-charge system. With this method, you can adopt a platform that seamlessly identifies registered drivers and auto-charges them for using the parking space. There is no need for physical contact through purchasing parking tickets, as it also helps to save both the customers and the company some valuable time.
Other ways to promote contactless parking are scanning QR codes for payment or registration, and motorists can also pay through codes on their phones. For motorists who are not tech-savvy, paying through codes will be a great option.
The options available for contactless parking payment all work to achieve the same goal: minimize contact and promote ease of access. The speed and efficiency of this process will also improve drastically.
How can you switch to contactless parking?
Understanding how contactless parking will benefit you is only a start. Several platforms offer contactless parking solutions, but you have to make the right choice for yourself. The right system must benefit the business, the customers, and the staff.
OperationsCommander is one such platform that can offer you effective solutions for your contactless parking.
OPS-COM is a parking and security management platform with over 20 years of experience providing parking solutions. Its core principles are innovation, development, and a seamless user experience.
Basic features such as online permit management and virtual payments are only a small part of what OPS-COM offers. They also offer advanced solutions like managing parking violations, resolving disputes, and choosing between virtual or physical permits.
What gives OPS-COM the edge over its competitors is how it puts the customer’s needs first. This is evident in every new installation as it is fully customizable to meet the client’s needs. If a client already has parking management technology installed on location and it is important to keep using it, the OPS-COM platform can be modified to integrate with it. The platform provides such a solution if a client wants an internal reprimand process instead of a violation citation that results in a fine.
Switching to the OPS-COM is as seamless as it can get. They not only design a working system but also train parking administrators and patrol staff. You will not have to deal with customers alone, as they offer top customer support with every install.
OPS-COM goes the extra mile
OPS-COM is a cloud-based platform that offers four different modules, which are:
The database records every piece of information inputted into any of the four modules, making it easy to access information. The platform also offers extra features like Locker Management, Ticket Type Categorization, Alarm Dispatch Management, and Text2ParkMe (a feature for metered parking users).
Here are some of the features to enjoy on the OPS-COM platform
Built-in mobile parking payment options
This feature allows users to add, remove, and update their payment methods online, reducing the workload on administrators.
Permits, violations, and incidents are managed in one place
Parking users can choose and update their permit type, track violations associated with it, and resolve incident disputes with linked evidence without standing in line or stepping foot in an office. If a user feels like a violation report has been made in error, they can also appeal the decision online.
Print your hangtags, or choose a virtual permit
OPS-COM allows parkers to use either a physical or virtual permit.
For people using metered parking, this is another quick and easy option for contactless parking.
Complete customer database with email notifications
The parkers can view and manage their permits 24/7, and the administrators can do so via a comprehensive database. If there’s an issue with an account, the parking user will get an email letting them know.
Customizable permit types, lot definition, waiting lists, and pricing
Administrators can choose the parameters of the permits they offer, categorize certain lots for specific purposes, manage demand with waiting lists, and set their pricing for each permit.
License plate recognition technology
Getting the OPS-COM platform means you’ll have everything you need for contactless parking.
Full dispatch logging, alarm, and alert process
If there’s ever a security incident, OPS-COM helps security personnel keep accurate records during and after the event.
Handheld patrol units with LPR and GPS mapping, along with real-time data – Security personnel can easily track which vehicles are in which lots, ensuring that parkers use their permits correctly.
Easy payment provider integration
OPS-COM is built to integrate seamlessly with whichever payment provider the client chooses.
Technical support for training, customizations, and integrations
The OPS-COM parking management platform is intuitive, but new users still need to learn. With every install, OPS-COM provides expert assistance at every step. Administrators learn their way around the database, and the patrol staff is taught how to log incidents and use the handheld patrol units. Any customizations are developed and tweaked until they work perfectly, and integrations are completed without second-guessing or complications.
OPS-COM manages every aspect of your parking needs
Control is an essential part of having a good parking experience. If the motorist feels in control, they will enjoy the experience. The importance of control is relevant not only to motorists but also to parking space management. It is vital to always stay in control regardless of the volume of vehicles.
With smart solutions offered by OPS-COM, you can always optimize the resources at your disposal, reduce running expenses, and maximize profit.
The need for contactless parking is rising more than ever, and it is time to adopt it now. While the pandemic has played a significant role in accelerating adaptability, it is inevitably the future. Finding a platform that can provide these solutions to maximize customer experience is also important.
By requesting a demo, learn more about the experience you can enjoy with OperationsCommander.